We center a scholar’s whole family as this is the place where learning begins and extends.
Parents have become so convinced educators know what is best for children, that they forget that themselves are really the experts.

Scholars are not the only ones served by the CDF Freedom Schools program. Parent and family engagement is an essential component of the program. We believe in centering a scholar’s whole family in the experience of CDF Freedom Schools, as this is the place where learning begins and extends.
Families are invited to weekly meetings and encouraged to volunteer as guest readers, field trip chaperones, and to join in other community activities.
At the weekly engagement meetings, CDF Freedom Schools staff work closely with the families to organize support for their household and to seek their support for their scholar(s).
In the CDF Freedom Schools surveys completed by parents, most parents perceived positive changes in their children’s social and academic confidence.
90% of Parents expressed willingness to participate in social action and assist with their children’s school work.
Over 99% of parents responded that they would recommend the CDF Freedom Schools program to other parents.
More than 90% of parents said they were more likely to be engaged in their children’s education after being involved in CDF Freedom Schools.
The structure for our Family Engagement Meetings are intentionally designed to center the family as the primary location where transformation occurs.
Surveys are created to determine parent and family interests and needs, and to make accommodations for family schedules. Out of these surveys, future meetings are planned to focus on areas of shared interest of need. this may include topics such as child and youth mental wellness, emotional competency, food and housing programs, etc.
Based on interests, meetings may be arranged to include community or school district leaders who can answer questions and provide guidance and support for families. The surveys also highlight skills and experiences of parents and family members which are centered in future meetings for the benefit of everyone.
Sites are intentional about creating a communication plan with families, for both regular and emergency communication. This includes weekly newsletters which provide parents with information about participating in their scholars’ growth and development.